Category: Vendor RFQ

  • RNG | 10 TPD | Press-Mud Napier Grass Energy Crop  

    RNG | 10 TPD | Press-Mud Napier Grass Energy Crop  

    Project Summary The project focuses on establishing a 10 TPD RNG and 100 TPD Value Added Solid Bio Fertilizer Plant, utilizing modular technology and advanced data-driven operations. It aims to convert Press Mud and Super Napier Grass biomass into BioCNG and high-value solid and liquid fertilizer. By leveraging anaerobic digestion, biogas scrubbing, and gas purification…

  • Geo-thermal | 125k MWh

    Geo-thermal | 125k MWh

    Project Summary The project entails establishing a 15 MWe geothermal power plant, utilizing favorable geothermal resources and clear regulatory conditions. It aligns with global clean energy goals, attracting investors and off-takers for the generated power. The venture is supported by an experienced team and proven resources, contributing to the growth of sustainable and renewable power…