Our News

Bangalore Waste to Energy Integrated Waste Management Project: Update 1 

Here’s an update from our project site in Bengaluru.  
Our state-of-the-art biogas plant is one step closer to being completed.  
Our sorting lines are set, and we are currently conducting a leakage test to make sure the principles of our reality-proof engineering are being applied to the fullest.  
To measure is to know and we measure everything. Hence it is important that we conduct multiple test runs on all our equipment to erase any room for error.  
We are scheduled to open on the 10th of November & a very special guest will inaugurate our first Bengaluru project.  
With our digital twinning and big data technology, we are able to replicate our next biogas project. If you’re looking to open your own non-traditional project in renewable energy do contact us, as NexusNovus can act as a co-promotor, and bring your project to life.  
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